Wasze opinie
Dziękuję Wam za piękne słowa, to one najbardziej motywują mnie do pracy, każdego dnia.

Barbara, 52
Sylwia, 34
Gosia, 41
Marzena, 40
I just want to say that it was a very profound session and I have experienced some lightbulb moments since we had our session. So, yes a powerful session indeed and I am supremely grateful to you and your deep intuition of some of these deep-seated and long-standing issues. Oh yes ! The part of the session that was so thrilling was the part where you reminded me to think of the good memories that are many. That was priceless and deeply precious to me and has helped me to move on through my journey with hope and love in my heart. Again – words are not enough but thank you enormously for that gift
Laura, 48
Łukasz, 30